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Shopware 6 Development

  • Shopware 6 increases sales and leads

    Increase sales and leads

  • Better Customer XP.

    Improve Customer XP.

  • Shopware 6 - lower cost of implementation

    Affordable costs

  • Security and quality first

    Security and quality first

  • Satisfied Buyers

    Satisfied Buyers


Shopware 6 is a German platform all along the line created to fit eCommerce needs. It combines crucial and innovative tools for comprehensively creating and running an online store.
Anna Wolanin
Anna Wolanin
eCommerce, Process automation
Free consultation

Shopware Software platform has been developing for over 20 years and serves over 100 thousand businesses worldwide.

Its catchiness comes from using verified technologies, which optimize the implementation and modification process. Shopware e-commerce platform, just like the popular alternative - Magento 2, is an Open Source system. It provides outstanding affordability and a high growth rate at the same time.

An optimal and resizable system is a solution with high potential to assist the company's development. Shopware 6 has more than 100 thousand implementations around the world. At Ideo Software, we are aware of its impact, which is why we help you implement the platform, guaranteeing time- and cost-effectiveness. Most importantly, our Shopware development services go beyond the installation process - we also see to the maintenance afterwards.


During years of our activity, we have successfully implemented B2C and B2B sales platforms, along with Shopware 6 for, among others:

Generate customers, not just visitors

In the "Ranking of Online Shops 2021" provided by, our clients took top places in their categories. This ranking is created based on clients’ opinions and their level of satisfaction after purchasing. We know that the latter results, among others, from the simplicity of use and functionality of e-shops that we create together with our clients.

The projects which we create receive several awards and honours. Worth mentioning are Webstar for BRW for the e-commerce platform and 4 nominations in the Ekomersy competition for the implemented platforms and sales support activities. According to the ranking, Ideo's e-commerce platform for is the best online store in the category of specialist stores in the automotive industry.

Our projects are also positively assessed in the Website Without Barriers competition. Its purpose is to highlight websites adapted to the needs of disabled and older people, counteracting digital exclusion.

Shopware 6 development - flexibility and freedom

Shopware 6 - flexibility and freedom of ecommerce developmentThe creators of the Shopware e-commerce platform focused on the mechanisms supporting the Clients’ experience. It applies to the owners and administrators of online stores, and to Internet users, who shop at these stores, regardless of the device they are using.

  • Convenient management
    The transparent interface and intuitive navigation in the administrative dashboard are a convenience, thanks to which you can focus on strategic measures. The possibility of hierarchic role organization is a utility feature in bigger companies, which is it sometimes essential for obeying the procedures.
  • Shopping Experiences
    The creative panel enables the creation of engaging content for various website types, such as detailed product tab pages, Landing Pages, category pages, etc. The catalogue product tab evokes curiosity and engagement. If around the offered product the customers come upon a story, details and appropriate particulars, which constitute a consistent entirety.
  • Rule Builder
    The modern tool enables adjusting the rules to different variants of the consumers’ situation. It allows the variety of prices and tailoring shipment costs with the former continuation of using it.
  • Multichannel sale
    The module was created with consistent customer service in mind, regardless of the location. It enables the implementation of an omnichannel solution, which combines simultaneous management of e.g., a sale platform on social media, company marketplace, POS, and traditional online store, all from one place. It also has regard to the diversity of the assortment offered, currency or language between different channels.
  • Products catalogue
    Shopware 6 stands out from the other systems, because of its highly advanced product management dashboard. It facilitates the configuration including different variants or product features. It is also a site for managing product information and dividing it into categories, adding new products  automatically, according to their characteristics. Due to the constant Shopware development, the Professional Edition version provides configurators, available for the buyer, which enable the configuration of nonstandard, personalised products.

  • Shopware PWA
    Allows creating Progressive Web App, an application that uses mobile devices features to provide better Customer Experience. Based on Vue Storefront, the app offers innovativeness, flexibility and easy integration.
  • API first
    Interface conducive to integrating commercial platforms with any technologies, the store already uses (ERP, CMS or PWA) and with external trade channels. A flexible platform core, followed by an API interface is also beneficial for process automation, due to the combination of various components and Shopware 6 development solutions.
  • SEO support
    Shopware 6 enables e-store optimization for search engines, by facilitating the editing of every parameter, used by the Google algorithm.
  • Plugin Manager
    Shopware 6 development was made simpler due, to the access to a database of over 4,000 functional plug-ins extending the scope of the platform's capabilities. Shopware 6 is an Open Source tool, thanks to which the community of over 1,200 programmers constantly expands numerous extensions and new ones are created almost daily.

The recipients of Shopware development services.

Thanks to 3 packages (editions) with different levels of advancement and constant Shopware 6 development, the system responds to the needs of every scale of e-commerce.

For advanced and globalyy-reaching B2B projects, the advanced features of Shopware 6 allow you to navigate the complexities of international markets and complex transactions seamlessly.

Medium-sized enterprises also benefit from our Shopware development services. Due to the high-quality implementation, they can take advantage of the platform's capabilities and flexible functions. It allows them to stand out, cater to specific customer demands, and adapt swiftly to changing market dynamics.



The user-friendly interface of the platform, couped with its various editions, provides an accessible entry point, empowering them to take their steps confidently while having room to grow and expand as their business matures. Ultimately, if you are amongst the mentioned and seek a coprehensive solution that cen adapt and scale, remaining a valuable asset for your business, investing in our Shopware 6 development services is the way to go.

Shopware 6 development - perfect for B2B Trade

The Core and API first interface tools used in Shopware 6 are a solid base for a functional, intuitive online B2B sales service. However, the platform offers much more. An example of this is several functionalities in the version of the B2B Suite platform that meets the requirements of complex business models of B2B enterprises.

Shopware 6 also supports field service, which makes it easy to specify access for specific employees to individual customer accounts.

That is a crucial element of implementing the existing sales structures of the company in the eCommerce activity, e.g., individual responsibility of each sales representative for contact with the assigned business client. It is a way to conduct consistent consultancy and build relationships by personalizing the approach to individual needs.

TheeCommere website's pricing policy and ordering processes, built on the Shopware B2B Suite platform, are adapted to the structure of the B2B market. The system allows for convenient, highly individual differentiation of discount scales and price rates concerning the number of orders or other factors contained in the customer's contract.

Similarly, in the case of order processing, the process can be adapted to the characteristics of the needs of our B2B customers, which, unlike the behaviour of end consumers, are characterized by a relatively constant cyclical nature. For this reason, facilitating and automating the ordering process, e.g., using a CSV or XLS file or even an article mask.


Magento vs Shopware - sales platforms analysis

Choosing the right sales platform is a matter that defines many aspects: what kind of e-commerce you want to build, how you will use it, and what consumer experience your customers will have. We prepared the analysis that will help you choose and find the answer: which one fits your business best.

Magento 2 and Shopware 6 are open-source solutions, that can be freely developed and modified. However, they hold many significant differences that make them dedicated to different target groups. We present a compilation of these two systems based on many categories. This analysis will help you choose and find the answer: which one fits your business best.

Measurable benefits

Shopware 6 is distinguished from the competition by the price transparency of the implementation and maintenance of the e-commerce system. Each package is based on a one-time fee for using the system, regardless of the turnover results achieved by the store or the number of products it will contain.

Further savings are generated because of the exceptional simplicity and intuitiveness of the implementation. That minimizes the effort and reduces programmers' time to create an e-store. In turn, the intuitive administration panel improves the store's management, product offers and purchases, which brings further savings in the field of current store management.

Access to a rich database of plug-ins and extensions allows for almost unlimited space to expand the functionality of your store. If you do not find one that meets your expectations among the existing add-ons - we will create it for you.

High performance & security standards

Our Shopware development company projects have successfully passed numerous safety and performance tests, which confirmed their high quality. If digital data security is your priority - we work in accordance, i.e. with the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP TOP 10) standard.

Our platform’s performance and infrastructure is affected, among others, by:

  • Nginx, which is up to 300% faster than commonly used web servers;
  • PHP over 8.X, which has approx. 30% higher capability than PHP version 5.6;
  • Load Balancer, which balances server load thus increasing the efficiency of the entire infrastructure;
  • Performant CLOUD servers and NoSQL databases;
  • Dedicated solutions for cache support and graphic elements compaction;
  • Many other optimization tools and methods depending on the project’s needs.
During the draw, the number of users exceeds 100 thousand simultaneously. Almost 12 million users visit the site monthly.
Read Case study

Shopware development company that meets your needs

Ideo Software Company offer, among others, comprehensive and high-quality Shopware development services and consulting support for your business. In addition to the design and implementation of Shopware 6 and other sales platforms, we also provide:

  • Business Consulting. Based on our experience, we will help you build an e-commerce development strategy for your company. We will also help you optimize and automate sales-related processes.
  • E-store migration from another platform. We carry out the migration of online stores, taking into account SEO issues, hosting optimization and maintaining the continuity of the sales chain.
  • Building an online store from scratch. We implement projects comprehensively and create sales websites fully tailored to the needs of your business.
  • Promotion and image building of your store. A large team of e-marketing experts will help you effectively promote your online store.
  • Modifications and post-implementation support. As a part of our Shopware 6 development services, we take care of the efficiency of trading platforms on an ongoing basis, throughout the entire period of cooperation; we monitor the website functioning together and introduce changes based on observations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Shopware 6?

Shopware 6 is a German open-source e-commerce solution that allows for the quick development of sleek, multi-channel stores that can be managed from a single dashboard. With pre-built modules for various markets, it facilitates rapid store deployment while ensuring brand integrity. Additionally, its robust B2B capabilities and automation tools streamline operations, making it possible to create modern sales tools that can be adapted to any business.

Whether you aim to expand globally, build a distinctive brand, or start small and grow steadily, Shopware 6 provides tailored solutions to meet your specific business requirements. It excels in meeting the needs of advanced, scalable B2B projects internationally and medium-sized enterprises looking to establish a unique brand identity and leverage flexible service functions. At the same time, it is well-suited for businesses just beginning with their e-commerce journey, offering user-friendly features and customization options.

Tailored for B2B enterprises specializing in complex product sales, Shopware 6 introduces innovative features to optimize sales platform management and enhance the customer purchasing process. Apart from a user-friendly interface, API-based structure, and robust marketing capabilities, those are:

  • Shopping experiences for targeted marketing,
  • Rule builder for customized sales conditions,
  • and Manual customer visibility for traditional order channels.

Simultaneously, the platform boasts a Flow builder, File transmission optimization, and Dynamic pricing adjustment, further streamlining operations and ensuring high performance even when dealing with extensive product offerings.

Certainly! Shopware 6 comes with various free and paid plugins (available at the Shopware Store) that can be web-based or self-hosted, making your online shop more adaptable. However, it is essential to note that Shopware 6 does not support the installation of plugins that were used in Shopware 5. This is because several features of the new system version are features that previously required the installation of plugins. Therefore, it is best to work with a service provider who can provide any missing functionalities that are not yet available.

The Shopware Starter edition is free of charge. It offers a user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and seamless integrations with popular payment and shipping providers, allowing you to swiftly launch and grow your online store without technical complexities. In contrast, Shopware Enterprise is a more complex edition designed for B2B and B2C business models. It guarantees scalability, high performance, security, personal support, and gives you access to specialized knowledge through certifications and customer service. Due to its premium functionalities, it is priced individually.
The cost of creating a Shopware 6 online store can vary significantly from one project to another. It is highly individualized and depends on various factors, such as the complexity of your e-commerce requirements, the size of your product catalogue, the level of customization needed, and any additional features or integrations. After getting acquainted with your unique project specifications, we will determine and then provide you with a detailed estimate.
Shopware 6 offers seamless integration capabilities through its API, enabling effortless connection with various applications and systems, including ERP, CRM, and PIM, as well as with marketplaces, shipping, and payment providers. Additionally, it ensures secure sharing of the store platform, allowing for device connectivity with customers and enabling sales across diverse channels.
As Shopware 6 offers features and capabilities that cater to the specific needs of B2B companies, including the ability to create personalized and complex pricing structures, manage bulk orders, handle multiple customer groups, and support various payment and shipping options, it is an excellent choice for B2B companies looking to establish and expand their online presence while providing a seamless experience for their business customers.
Start with planning and analysis. Extract data from Shopware 5 and determine new store features. Once you have a clear picture of what must be done, set specific action dates based on this analysis and proceed to the Migration phase. Automate the process as much as possible, and if any data cannot be automated, manually transfer it to the new store. Then, move on to the Reboot phase, during which data is automatically moved to Shopware 6 while the store continues to run on version 5. You must implement settings, configurations, and plugins during this stage. And finally, the launch. Conduct thorough testing to identify inconsistencies before deactivating the old store and fully transitioning to Shopware 6. Be careful; this step is crucial to ensure your new store is error-free.
During the migration, you can transfer critical data elements, including product information, customer records, and order history. This comprehensive data migration allows you to maintain continuity in your online store’s operations, ensuring that your product catalogue, customer accounts, and order data seamlessly transition to the new platform. Additionally, some slightly more complex areas are stored in different locations or formats in Shopware 6. These include SEO settings, shipping and payment methods, transitioning from Shopping Worlds to Shopping Experiences, and new project templates.
Migrating from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6 will preserve much of your core data, such as products, customers, and orders. However, it is essential to note that the functionalities in the older version may not be identical to the new one. Shopware 6 offers a more modern and flexible architecture, and while many features from Shopware 5 can be replicated or enhanced, the way they are implemented or configured might change. Nevertheless, we will ensure that the necessary functionalities are retained or improved during migration.
What truly distinguishes Shopware 6, apart from its modern, modular architecture, is its user-centric design, ensuring a seamless experience for store owners and customers, even those with limited technical expertise. The platform’s API-first approach fosters easy integration with various systems, enhancing adaptability and interoperability. At the same time, its active community and ongoing innovation contribute to its appeal as a dynamic and competitive e-commerce solution, making it an excellent choice for businesses seeking a modern, user-friendly, and forward-thinking platform to build their online stores.
Magento 2 excels with its extensive community support and capability for highly advanced online stores, but its complexity and high costs may be prohibitive for some. Shopware 6, on the other hand, features a user-friendly interface and shorter implementation time, making it more accessible to less technically inclined users.
When choosing between Shopware 6 and Magento 2, it is crucial to note that each solution has its strengths and is suitable for different businesses. Magento 2 is well-suited for large e-commerce operations that serve a substantial customer base. Shopware 6, however, is committed to continuous development, combining various features to cater to diverse needs. Ultimately, the choice depends on the specific needs and technical expertise of your business.

Proven eCommerce Software Company

Clients rate our comprehensive services and consultancy very well. That is one of the main reasons why we were recognized by Clutch as a Top Custom Software Developer in the area of eCommerce Solutions in Poland.

In our daily work, we help to develop our clients' businesses. Their trust and effective cooperation make us grow as well. January, 2022, the new edition of the Forbes Diamond Award report was published. We are proud to be listed among the fastest-growing Polish enterprises in this prestigious report.

The most important goal of our daily activity is to support the development of your business. More and more each day. That makes us carry out projects that meet the expectations of our clients, who recommend us to others. Projects we are simply proud of.

Polish IT specialists are valued primarily for their diligence and skills. We are currently ranked 5th in the TopCoder and 3rd in the Hackerrank ranking.

... and how can we help your business?


Why you should choose us

  • We effectively support customer's growth

    We support your growth

  • Ideo Agency - 250 experts onboard

    250 passionate experts

  • We work in SCRUM, Agile

    SCRUM / Agile

  • IT Outsourcing experience

    IT Outsourcing experience

  • Partners for life

    Partners for life

We know that the world is getting smaller, and regardless of the subject of cooperation our mutual contact is supposed to be smooth. We have experience in this area too.


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IT Project Outsourcing

Services Tailored To Your Needs

In case of a temporarily increased demand for IT staff, hiring a suitable specialist for a short period would be challenging and not profitable. To help optimize the costs of running a business, we could offer you, among others:

Get a free quote

Even though fixed-price projects suit us best, our services can also realized based the following cooperation models:

  • Time and material

    Time and material

  • Dedicated Team

    Dedicated Team

  • Individual model

    Individual model


Enhance Your Projects

How can your business maintain a competitive edge in today’s constantly evolving technological environment? One solution is to invest in the IT project outsourcing that we provide. By engaging with our software development company, you can access a wealth of knowledge and expertise that would otherwise be unavailable.

You will save time and resources, focusing on other core aspects of your business operations while leaving the demanding IT tasks to our world-class professionals. With their assistance, you will, without a doubt, elevate your projects to the next level, easily outperforming your competitors.


Why Outsource With Us

Working with us brings your business to entirely new heights. For once, we boast a team of the best experts within the field of IT, which guarantees that you can expect nothing but the highest level of services regardless of the magnitude of each project. All tasks are performed with exceptional precision and attention to detail, 100% tailored to your business’s needs and requirements. Moreover, processes are meticulously automated, resulting in savings in both time and money. If or when any doubts arise, we are open to conversation, always willing to apply any modifications and adapt to the changing needs of our clients, rendering us the perfect partner for all businesses.  


The Power of Software Development - Our Rewards

As mentioned above, clients from all over the world rate our comprehensive approach to project implementation and business consulting, which is why Clutch has considered uss a leading eCommerce Software Development Team in Poland. That is, however, not all.


In our daily work, we help to develop our clients' businesses. Their trust and effective cooperation make us grow as well. In January, 2022, the new edition of the Forbes Diamond Award report was published and we were proud to be listed among the fastest-growing Polish enterprises in this prestigious report. And as we help to develop our clients' businesses by doing our utmost best, their thrust and cooperation mean a lot. Indeed, we will only continue to grow together!