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The role of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in eCommerce

... a trend that is changing the face of online shopping

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are technologies that have revolutionized many industries, including e-commerce.

Thanks to them, online stores can offer their customers a more immersive and realistic shopping experience.

AR allows you to superimpose digital elements on the real world. This can be used to enable customers to virtually try on clothes, test cosmetic products or explore new places.

VR, on the other hand, takes the user to a completely virtual world. This can be used to create realistic product demos, organize virtual training or even games. AR and VR have many advantages for online stores. They help:

  • increase customer engagement – ​​AR and VR allow customers to experience products in a more realistic way, which increases their interest and engagement.
  • improve conversion – AR and VR make it easier for customers to make purchasing decisions because they allow them to see how a given product will look or work in reality.
  • reduce returns – AR and VR help customers avoid unnecessary returns because they allow them to check the product before purchasing.

With the development of AR and VR technologies, their role in e-commerce will only increase. Online stores that use these technologies will have a competitive advantage and will be better prepared for the future.

The impact of AR on e-commerce

Augmented Reality (AR) has a comprehensive impact on e-commerce, mainly by changing the way products are presented. Using AR, customers can now virtually “try on” products before making a purchase. This interactive opportunity allows customers to take a closer look at the product's appearance and proportions, resulting in greater trust and confidence in making purchasing decisions.

Moreover, AR supports the customization of shopping experiences by personalizing the offer in line with customers' preferences and needs. Thanks to this, e-commerce can provide a more engaging experience, which translates into increased customer loyalty and sales.

Another important aspect of the impact of AR on e-commerce is making it easier to assess the size of products. Virtual projections of products in a real environment make it easier for customers to assess their scale and proportion, as well as their fit with the surroundings or other products with which they are intended to interact.

This, in turn, leads to a reduction in the number of returns and an increase in customer satisfaction with their purchases. As a result, AR is becoming an irreplaceable tool for improving the online shopping experience, contributing to increasing the efficiency of e-commerce and building stronger relationships with customers.

Thanks to the use of both AR and VR, it is possible to interactively explore and try on using a real environment. Features using these technologies are becoming increasingly popular, changing the way consumers make purchasing decisions. Where are AR and VR most often used?

Virtual clothing fitting room

AR in this field allows the customer to try on clothes before making a purchase, using a mobile application. Thanks to realistic visualizations, customers can accurately assess how a given garment will look on them in reality, which significantly facilitates the process of choosing the right size and style.

This, in turn, minimizes the risk of purchasing the wrong product, leading to fewer returns and increasing customer satisfaction.

Virtual visualization of furniture

Thanks to applications using AR and VR, customers can "place" selected furniture in the real surroundings of their apartment to assess its appearance, size and proportions in the context of their own interior.

This interactive functionality allows you to better understand how a given piece of furniture will fit into the design of your space, which in turn helps you avoid the disappointment of purchasing a piece of furniture that ultimately does not match your interior design. Each visualization is associated with a more thoughtful purchase decision.

Wall color visualization

AR and VR also offer the ability to virtually visualize the color of the walls in your home. The tool in the camera support recognizes walls, and the customer can choose whether he wants to check the new color on all walls or only on selected ones. This interactive functionality allows you to assess which color best suits the room and how it will harmonize with other elements.

Makeup visualization

Another innovative feature that augmented reality offers in e-commerce is virtual matching of cosmetics and makeup. Thanks to the appropriate application, we can scan our face and then choose cosmetic products and check how they will look on our face. This applies mainly to color cosmetics, so the client can easily match the perfect shade of concealer or the right shadow that will highlight the eye color.

This interactive experience allows you to quickly select the right shades of products tailored to your customers' beauty. Thanks to this, purchasing cosmetics online becomes more intuitive and personalized, which contributes to greater satisfaction and reduces the risk of inappropriate purchases.

VR benefits in e-commerce

The use of virtual reality (VR) in e-commerce opens up completely new opportunities and experiences for customers, contributing to increased involvement and satisfaction with purchases.

  1. Virtual real estate tours - real estate tours take place in a realistic way, even though the visitor does not have to leave his home. This functionality allows you to thoroughly examine the details of the property, which can significantly speed up the decision-making process.
  2. Virtual walks around stores and shopping centers - customers can move to a virtual store and browse products as if they were physically present in the store. This allows you to better understand the store's offer and interact with products, which can increase customer engagement and willingness to make purchases.
  3. Simulation of products and services - Thanks to VR, customers can test products or services before purchasing, which is especially useful in the case of higher-value products, such as cars or household appliances. These simulations allow for a better understanding of a product's benefit functions, which can convince customers to purchase.

Sellers using e-commerce virtual reality can create a more interactive and attractive shopping experience for customers. The effect of such activities will undoubtedly be increased sales and greater customer loyalty.

Challenges related to the implementation of AR and VR technologies in e-commerce

The implementation of AR and WR technologies in e-commerce may be extremely promising. However, these technologies pose many challenges for companies. One of the main aspects requiring attention is the issue of infrastructure. Implementing AR and VR often requires powerful devices and hardware to ensure smooth and realistic experiences.

This, in turn, may involve large financial outlays, both for the purchase of equipment and for the maintenance of infrastructure. Another challenge is the integration of AR and VR with existing e-commerce platforms.

There is often a need to adapt existing systems and processes to support new technologies, which may involve significant time and financial resources.

In addition, it is also necessary to train staff to enable them to use new tools and applications effectively. Ensuring the appropriate quality of content and visual experiences can also be a significant demand on the company and employees.

Consumers expect realistic, engaging and interactive experiences, which challenges companies to create high-quality AR and VR content.

Additionally, there are also challenges related to data privacy. Implementing AR and VR technologies may require collecting and processing large amounts of personal data, which may raise concerns about customer privacy.

Ensuring appropriate security measures and compliance with personal data regulations is an extremely important condition that must be met by a company wishing to implement such solutions. Despite these challenges, the growing interest in these technologies and their increasing use in e-commerce suggest that investments in them can bring significant benefits for companies that are ready to take on these challenges.

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Technological requirements

The implementation of AR and VR technologies in e-commerce requires meeting certain key technological requirements. First of all, it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment and infrastructure. To use AR and VR applications, you need advanced devices such as VR goggles, mobile devices or computers with sufficient processing power and graphics performance.

In addition, it is necessary to provide appropriate software, including applications and tools for content creation, as well as an e-commerce platform integrated with AR and VR technology.

An important requirement is also the availability of broadband Internet, ensuring a stable and fast connection necessary for transmitting data and streaming content in real time. Additionally, it is also imperative to secure adequate network bandwidth to ensure smooth operation of AR and VR applications, especially for interactive and multiplayer experiences.

We cannot forget about integrating technology with existing e-commerce systems and adapting them to customer needs and the specific nature of the industry. This requires both technical know-how and the ability to adapt to changing trends and market needs.

Education and accessibility

Customer education and the availability of appropriate equipment are the basics in the context of implementing augmented reality and virtual reality technologies in e-commerce. With technological progress, more and more people are becoming aware of the existence and potential of these technologies, but there is still a need to educate customers about the benefits, possibilities and how to use these technologies when shopping online.

E-commerce companies must actively inform customers about available features, the ability to virtually try on products, interact with virtual models or participate in virtual shopping experiences.

The availability of appropriate equipment makes it possible to use the latest technologies, but despite the increasing popularity of AR and VR, not all customers have appropriate equipment, such as BR goggles, mobile devices with appropriate computing power or computers compliant with the requirements.

Therefore, it is very important for e-commerce companies to properly adapt their applications and platforms to different types of hardware, while ensuring a consistent and high-quality user experience regardless of the device used.


Currently, we are observing an increasing interest in modern technologies in e-commerce, and there is also noticeable development in this area. E-commerce companies are increasingly using AR and VR to personalize shopping experiences, present products in a more attractive way and create interactive marketing campaigns.

An example of the use of AR technology could be an application that allows you to virtually try on clothing or glasses, which allows you to assess the fit of the product before purchasing it. In turn, trends in the field of VR include virtual walks in stores, in which customers can move freely and browse products, in a similar way to a stationary store.

With growing interest in AR and VR technologies, customer education is becoming more and more crucial to enable them to take full advantage of the opportunities these technologies offer. At the same time, ensuring the availability of appropriate equipment is essential to ensure consistency and high-quality user experience.

Despite some challenges, we see the dynamic development of AR and VR technologies in e-commerce, which opens new opportunities for companies and contributes to the further development of the e-commerce sector. From a future perspective, investments in these technologies seem promising, bringing with them the potential to improve the shopping experience and increase customer engagement.

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