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Flutter development - hybrid applications for business

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Marcin Ochyra
Marcin Ochyra
Mobile Team Leader
Free consultation

Flutter supports the development of mobile and web applications. The platform was developed and is supported by Google. It is one of the latest cross-platform technologies that is rapidly gaining popularity.

Flutter allows you to create native cross-platform applications with a single code base and opens up possibilities for desktop applications. With Flutter, you can seamlessly develop applications that provide a multi-channel user experience, whether they are web, mobile, or desktop applications. What platforms are supported?

  • Mobile - developing Android and iOS apps using a single source code saves time and resources. Your apps will run smoothly on both platforms, providing users with consistency and high performance.
  • Desktop - if you are considering developing your presence on desktops, Flutter gives you the opportunity. The platform supports Windows, macOS, and Linux, which means you can reach countless users on different desktop platforms.
  • Web-based - offers users an exceptional experience on web browsers. The application will run smoothly on different browsers, ensuring consistency and high quality.

Whatever your goal is to develop mobile, desktop, or web applications, Flutter is a versatile tool that makes it easy to succeed on any of these platforms. With the consistency and performance that Flutter offers, your apps will gain the trust of your users and delight in their experience.

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Flutter is a software development toolkit (SDK) that is designed to create cross-platform applications from a single code base using a modern, reactive framework. Flutter applications are built using Dart, which is a simple object-oriented programming language.

The main idea of Flutter is widgets. The entire user interface consists of an amalgamation of different widgets, each of which defines a structural element (such as a button or menu), a stylistic element (such as a font or color scheme), a layout aspect (such as a supplement), and so on. Flutter does not use OEM widgets but provides ready-made widgets that look native to Android (Material Design) or iOS (Cupertino) apps. It is also possible to create custom widgets of your own.

Flutter widgets are essential to creating interactive applications

Widgets are the basic building blocks in the world of Flutter. Each element is a brick that creates the user interface. A widget can be visible, like buttons or forms, and invisible, like a cell or line that serves to define the structure of the layout.

Flutter provides a simplified approach to application development by offering several readily available components. These pre-built elements enable developers to design applications with ease, thereby reducing the workload and increasing efficiency.

Flutter is centered around the concept of widgets, which are essential building blocks when it comes to designing engaging and visually appealing applications. These widgets serve as the foundation of the user interface and form the backbone of the entire Flutter framework. This raises the question of why widgets are so crucial and how they simplify the process of application development.

  • Fast and flexible design

Widgets in Flutter allow for fast and flexible design of applications. Thanks to them, the process of creating an interface becomes more intuitive and efficient. Widgets enable you to be more productive and make it easier to customize your application.

  • Rich library of ready-made widgets

Flutter offers an impressive library of ready-to-use widgets. This means you do not have to create every interface element from scratch. You can use ready-made solutions that cover a wide range of functionality, from buttons and text boxes to advanced components. This saves you time and lets you focus on creating unique application elements.

  • Create your own customized components

Flutter gives you control over the look and behavior of your application. You can create customized widgets that perfectly fit your business needs. This means that your application can be unique and stand out in the market. Flutter widgets have no limits when it comes to complexity. You can use them to create anything from simple elements to complex navigation screens or animations. Thanks to them, all your design visions can become reality in a short time.

Flutter provides efficiency and creative application design.

Efficient app development

Flutter offers features that can speed up the mobile app development process.

Speed of user interface development. Flutter provides developers with a powerful toolset to create visually impressive graphical layers. With its comprehensive control over the interface design, Flutter empowers developers to generate an array of unique designs.

The high quality of user interfaces is the same on both iOS and Android platforms.

  • Performance close to native

One of the most important benefits of the Flutter app is its performance. The app's proprietary graphics engine allows seamless integration with the mobile operating system platform and renders graphics at a fast pace. In addition, the Dart programming language uses its widgets, so the app has fewer points of contact with the platform, resulting in faster app launches and fewer performance errors.

  • Multi-platform development

Saves time and resources. Multi-platform programming allows you to use one code base to develop apps for both iOS and Android. This feature contributes to budget optimization, as Flutter eliminates the need to develop separate code for different platforms.

Another crucial aspect is saving time by using hot reloads. Changes that take place in the code are visible in a flash and allow quick changes without restarting the mobile app.

  • Free open-source toolkit

The Flutter framework and the Dart programming language are developed by the Google team and are open source. Google provides continuous support for technologies. The community gathered around them allows for extensive documentation of the tool. With this capability, the application allows you to create beautiful and rich applications quickly.

  • Access to phone feature

Thanks to the channels of communication with the mobile device, applications created through Flutter can use the contact list, camera, Bluetooth, and other hardware interfaces.

Flutter has conquered the world with its performance, uniqueness, and agility. According to Statista, about 42% of developers worldwide choose Flutter. This has made it the most popular framework for developing cross-platform mobile applications.

Hot Reload

In addition to a large array of widgets, Flutter offers a Hot Reload feature that makes the development process more productive. Hot Reload allows developers to see their changes in real time, enabling them to code faster and more accurately.

This feature helps build user interfaces, add features, and fix bugs quickly and easily. Hot Reload is a feature that enables developers to update their source code while the Dart VM is running. All changes made are immediately applied to the application.

Upon updating the classes with new versions of fields and functions, the Flutter framework automatically rebuilds the widget tree, allowing a swift assessment of the changes. The feature's efficiency helps developers enhance their productivity, reduce downtime, and facilitate debugging.

Dart - programming language

Dart is the programming language used in Flutter. It compiles into native code that results in excellent application performance, so users get a smooth and native application environment without crashes.

What's more, Flutter applications can run on different platforms using the same code, which speeds up the development and creation process. From within Flutter, we can display native views of the platforms on which the application runs.

Dart is a client-optimized language for developing fast applications on any platform. The premise of its developers was to offer the most productive language for cross-platform programming combined with a flexible execution platform for application structures. Dart also forms the basis of Flutter.

It provides the language and execution environments that power Flutter applications, but Dart also handles many basic development tasks, such as formatting, analyzing, and testing code.

Flutter - the future of e-commerce?

The rapid growth of the e-commerce sector is forcing companies to look for new solutions and ways to reach customers.

Currently, designed and delivered to the market, mobile applications use several valuable technological solutions. They have become an essential part of people's lives due to the presence of smartphones in customers' pockets.

Flutter can revolutionize the market and reduce costs. An elemental advantage of the app is the relatively low cost of production. Even small online stores can afford such an investment.

Application testing ensures quality and reliability

Software testing is a crucial step in the development process that has a huge impact on the quality and reliability of the product. Whether you are developing a mobile, web, or desktop application, professional testing is essential. Why invest in testing and what benefits does the process bring?

Early identification of errors allows fixing them even before the product is made available to the end user, which helps minimize the risk of irregularities and failures. In addition to the qualitative aspects, software testing also makes it possible to assess system performance.

Integrating Flutter with existing applications

Do you have an existing application and are wondering how to extend or enhance it? Flutter is a great solution that allows you to integrate with your existing projects, regardless of the platform they run on. With this functionality, you can significantly expand the capabilities of your project, adding new features and improving UX.

Flutter is a framework designed with cross-platform in mind. No matter what platform your application runs on. Flutter gives you the ability to integrate and extend.

Collaboration with existing code

Integrating Flutter with existing project code is not a hindrance. This framework is a tool that makes it easy to collaborate and seamlessly take your application to the next level. You can add new features, extend the user interface, or improve performance while maintaining consistency with existing solutions.

  • Adding new features - Flutter enables you to add new components, screens, and modules to enrich your application and attract new users.
  • Improving performance - optimizing and speeding up performance is one of the many benefits that Flutter integration brings.

Discover the potential of Flutter integration and transform your existing application into something better.   Free consultation